Authorship Agreements

Osborne, J. W., Holland, A. (2009). What is the author and what should it be? An overview of important policies for the determination of fatherhood in scientific publications. Practical Evaluation, Research – Evaluation, 14 (15), 1-19. Wager, E. (2006). Publications Ethics Commission. Changes in fatherhood.

Request to add an additional author after publication. Call on August 1, 2019. While the interpretation of „significant“ and the definition of „conceptualization“ are often interpretable, the „senior“ graduate has not contributed to the work in question, as described in the case study, and should not be a co-author. If the senior graduate had actually made significant contributions (and this may require a soul seeker by the graduate who raised the issue), then that other student should be an author, but not the lead author. Apart from that, different disciplines reward the „primary author“ (i.e. the person who has done the most experiments and written the first draft of the paper) with different authorship positions: While the lead author is usually the first author and the last place reserved for the lead author in most biomedical research, epidemiologists traditionally reverse this order. For two lead authors who also contributed to the paper, it is acceptable to place an asterisk next to the two names and indicate it; However, the official inscription in the literature contains the authors as they are listed when the document is published. As a student, it might start by feeling scary to discuss the roles you want or expect, and your place as a contributor in a project.

However, this approach should be approached as a learning opportunity that contributes to your professional identity as a researcher. Consultants are generally happy to discuss fatherhood and see these discussions as an important aspect of the mentor-mentee relationship. Who should be the author of a paper? There is no doubt that someone who did not contribute to the design of a project or who was not involved in the creation or analysis of the data should not be an author. This is clearly expressed in the „Guidelines for conducting research in the INTRAtramural research program on the NIH“: „For each individual, the author`s privilege should be based on an essential contribution to the design, design, realization and/or interpretation of the research study, as well as on the willingness to assume responsibility for the study. Individuals who do not meet these criteria, but who have supported the research through encouragement and advice or by providing them with space, financial support, reagents, occasional analyses or patient materials, should be recognized in the text, but should not be authors. This principle does not allow rewards for hard work if this work does not contribute to paper. I am happy to offer the PhD student from Bigtime State University my advice on the author`s problem. Before I do so, I should clarify that my opinions are not the official positions of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), but they represent 7 years of experience in managing author conflicts in the intramural program in my position as Deputy Director of Intramural Research. Unlike most universities, most NIH interns are postdoctoral fellows, but I think the same principles that govern the resolution of author conflicts between fellows and principal investigators are relevant to graduates.